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    This form players on the tour the more common anti-C-pars (right). If the club to the ball from the outside, then the rotation will be more the right shoulder, then fell apart when the left shoulder higher than the location, the body will lose focus to the left. Do not go too farAnd during the swing, Callaway FT i-Brid Iron Setlike some other action, go too far, but overkill. Won the pole when the spine backward, for example, if the backward too much, would be too biased swing line the inside of the ball produced from right to left rotation. The lowest point in the swing after the ball, the grass marks to the target right. This happens, you willneed to adjust the driving range, reducing the spine backward. Observed marks on the grass can be found many problems. Mark the correct grass should be a very shallow one, compare Fang Zheng, is a little on the target or slightly left - that head the ball and continue to the left. Backward too much. If the spine backward too much, the club will be pulled to the inside and cause premature head touch the ground.

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